Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sabin world school photo club!

This quarter I volunteered for Sabin World School's photography club. Myself and several fellow classmates at AI have been working with kids from kindergarten to forth grade. We wrapped up a week or so ago with a photo shoot extravaganza in the gym. This is one of my favorite shots from that day.

Now we begin printing, framing, and hanging for the Emerging Exposures gallery show of the kid's work! The show will be some time in January; exact date TBA.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Emily Griffith's Opportunity School.

I lost these files in the great memory card mix up of 2009, but the book is still put together on blurb I've found! So, I'm a little nostalgic looking at my photo essay project from a couple of quarters ago.

Emily Griffith's Opportunity School in Downtown Denver is a very unique combination high school / vocational school for high school dropouts only. The facility is full of teachers who really care and students overcoming life's hardships at very young ages. I was really impressed with everybody I met while doing this project!

(You can click the image above to see all the photos on blurb if ya like.)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Haloween Time!


I met this creature on the bus ride home from downtown after taking some street portraits of all the crazies out for Haloween!

Just the creepy crawler above for now, street portraits to follow.