Sunday, April 24, 2011

No he didn't.

Oh, yes I did!

Because everybody loves a sharp dressed photo, no?  (Yes.)  New logo and new website cooking for graduation.  The closer graduation gets the more I feel things beginning rather than ending.
I.  can'twaittogetoutofschool!  I'll need:
  • my own lights
  • information on bonding plexiglass together (not to mention the plexiglass)
  • for the print lab to operate cooperatively all quarter long
  • a new computer, camera, tattoo, and job.
Thank god I own orange corduroys.  (p.s. how the hell to you spell the plural of corduroy?)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


I entered PDN's Curator Contest for fine art photography.
Wish me luck because the prize is totally awesome!

When pianos try to be guitars

Have you ever been editing/experimenting in photoshop only to look up at your work and realize that things have gone WAY too far?

Yeah.  Me too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sabin World Photo Club

It's happening tomorrow!  The Emerging Exposures gallery show is the final result of The Sabin World School's Photography Club (Started from the ground up by Amy Blomquist and Jill Mott.) that myself and several other volunteers from AiC helped with two terms ago.  The show is tomorrow night at the school and the kid's photos look awesome and I'm sure they'll sell out the show!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


With the introduction of products like the iPhone and the iPad flash websites (a favorite of photographers world wide [haha, web]) seemed like they were on their way out. The two major problems were: 1. Apple products don't support flash so people couldn't view your site on their mobile device. And, 2. Flash websites could not be optimized for search engines like google or mamma.

Well, those days are gone. The DROID hit the market supporting flash and making the iPhone look like a RAZR phone, psshh. And other companies all over the world are releasing iPad-esque devices that also support flash. That's problem number 1 nixed!

I also just found a new section in my customization area for my flash website that enables search engine optimization!

Sorry Mr. Jobs, but you fought the flash and the flash won!

Friday, April 8, 2011

I don't know if olive oil has ever looked so good!

What do you get when a fashion photographer, a travel/landscape photographer, and a fine art photographer collaborate to make a 30 second commercial for olive oil?

THIS!  Is what you get.

Talia Kauk and Marc Roewekamp shot all the footage and I edited the final cut, and I think I speak for the whole group in saying we were pretty happy with ourselves and the final product.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What does QR stand for again?

Quick Reference?  That sounds right.

I was trying to think of a way to use QR codes for a class assignment, and the only problem I have with them is that they don't look cool.  So I tried altering the color and adding in little design elements, but changing the actual shape of the QR code made it unreadable.  So, finally I tried putting an image straight up in that QR code!  And it worked!