Sunday, April 22, 2012


The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012 would make it possible for skilled educated people to get out from under the weight of their debt and start actually putting our skill and talent into the workplace.  Basically, it could make everything better.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Nikon Camera Control

Well, well, well.  There is finally an option for Nikon shooters to go tethered (apart from capture NX, which costs a pretty penny)Nikon Camera Control is an app designed by (I'm guessing) Nikon which allows you to shoot tethered, remotely control your shutter as well as camera settings, and ect.

that whoever designed the app neglected the fact that most photographers rock a MAC.  This application is for Windows machines only.  :|


Jaaaaahahahahahahahahhahahah.  Now listen photo retouchers around the globe!  I know what it's like to trade sleep time for edit time, buuuuuuut, I ain't even gotta zoom up on your marinara to see this blunder.  Oh dear...


As randomly as random can be... I somehow found myself on a list of MFA students somehow.  I clicked around a little, adjusted my crown, and found a couple cool sites if you wanna look at something cool.

NightClub LightsOn

AndrĂ© Giesemann et Daniel Schulz did a cool series of nightclubs during the day.  Check it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Apparently the Penniless Abdicate

The APA LA is having an awesome curated photography competition called Off the Clock.  If you got the $$$ you should enter for a serious exposure opportunity.

Mmm, doughnuts

These are some powerful beezPleasePaul Schutzer's photos documenting the building of the Berlin Wall circa 1962.

Tape that Starn Twins

Mike & Doug Starn meet Rory White and his series Rorshak:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PS I Love You

I mean Photo Shop.  I love Photo Shop 6 so much, that if I can't get it when it comes out officially I'm quitting photography!  I Swear to god.  Oh my god.

Electronic Viewfinders w. Interchangeable Lenses

Last time I checked up on my camera's biscuit there was a mirror. OKAY?
So, basically EVIL cameras come in 2nd.  Ahead of point and shoots, but behind DSLRs.  Ya Heard.